Nature is finding its way back into my life. There is a sacredness and intimacy that has suddenly surfaced.
At the Health Fair last weekend, sponsored by the College of Botanical Healing Arts, I met James, who was selling copies of Plant Spirit Medicine, by Eliot Cowan. This book feels like a lost treasure to me. It is awakening something in me – a precious and personal connection to nature.
Coincidentally, our booth at the fair happened to be next to the Shumei booth, and I spent the day noticing the sweet gentle energy flowing from the family offering free 5 min “Jyorei” (healing light energy) sessions. I wondered why I didn’t end up sitting in one of those chairs, until the next day, when I found myself at the Shumei Open House in Ben Lomond, receiving Jyorei in the “fairy circle” – an amazing circle of redwood trees. I felt held by that circle of trees, and although I didn’t notice anything except the sacredness of the space at the time, I later noticed that this gentle and seemingly unobtrusive sharing of loving energy cleared a deep pain in my heart that had been there for a very long time.
Feeling so grateful to the loving spirit that sustains us all, and to its beautiful expression as nature.