Dear Therese,
I have been working on a new business idea, and started to think… what goes on the “about” page? where does the “this is how it works” part go? I don’t even know what else goes into a website. I wonder if you would give me some pointers.

Here’s my reply:

Typically you will want some kind of “Home” page or landing page. I like to think of this as a “table of contents” for your website, where people can see who you are and what you are doing and what’s available on your website.

The “About” page will give people more information about you. What is your passion, why are you doing this new project, what qualifies you to do this (this doesn’t necessarily mean what certifications do you have, but maybe what experiences have you had in your life that make you an “expert” or give you the understanding you need). People want to know if they can trust you as a competent source.

You will need a “Contact” page, so people can send you an email or call you or so they know where to meet you for an appointment. Give people a chance to engage with you.

The “how does this work” page is different for every person. For some it looks like a “Services” page(s), for some it is a “Program” page. Say it like it is. Don’t try to make your website look like something you think it “should” look like. Give people what they need to know. Pretend you wanted to sign up for your new project, what information would you need? How would you like to see it laid out?

Be clear, well organized, use images and color, and speak directly to the viewer.

There are lots of other things to consider as you plan the website, but this will get you started. Most important is to consider your purpose for wanting to create the website. Your goal will determine what is needed. Although you can use your website simply to validate your program, note that this is an opportunity to gather email addresses for your newsletters or class announcements.

Let me know if you have any other questions!